Connecticut is an expensive place to live and retire. High taxes and high energy costs are a heavy burden on those living on a fixed income. Increasingly, people who have lived and loved Connecticut their whole lives are forced to move.
Tony Hwang wants to help.
We need to make Connecticut a more affordable place for seniors to live.
As Vice-Chair of the Aging Committee, Tony Hwang has made a positive difference.
- Restored funding for the Medicare Savings Program (MSP), and senior nutrition programs
- Exempted 100% all social security and pension benefits from the income tax, up to $100,000 for joint filers
- Created rigorous protections for seniors thinking about a Reverse Mortgage
- Reduced the death (estate) tax to parity with federal levels
- Eliminated the caps on community-based services as an alternative to nursing home care
Read more of Tony’s focus on Critical Issues in Connecticut