Hwang on Fiscal Accountability & Social Responsibility

We can maintain a balance between fiscal accountability and social responsibility. Government has a moral responsibility to ensure that the most vulnerable and at-risk in our communities are protected and guided to self-empowerment.

Commitment to Community

Historic Autism Insurance Coverage (PA 13-84)
Championed bipartisan legislation ensuring individuals with autism, who are currently covered by 2008 insurance legislation, will not have a gap in their coverage because of a possible change in the definition of the autism spectrum and related Affordable Care Act requirements.
Rail Commuters Safety & Advocacy (PA 13-178)
Authored amendment legislation which preserved the advocacy authority of the CT Rail Commuter Council and empowered the council to protect rail commuters’ right to challenge and demand the highest level of service and safety in commuter rail lines.
Cell Tower and Siting Council Legislation (PA 12-165)
Supported greater local control and considerations toward public safety and community quality of life related to cell tower locations.
GMO Food Labeling (PA 13-183)
Worked with local & international Genetically Engineered Food (GMO) labeling advocacy groups to pass landmark food labeling legislation that protect our “right to know” what is in our food source.
Bone Marrow Testing Insurance Coverage (PA 11-88)
Provided bipartisan leadership to develop landmark insurance coverage of bone marrow testing to support patients and families affected by blood cell cancers such as leukemia and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.


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