Tony Hwang: The Leader the 28th Senate District Needs

There’s only one candidate running for the 28th Senate District who has earned our trust, and who deserves our support on Election Day. And that is Tony Hwang. For the past six years, Tony has been an effective leader and a visible force for positivity and betterment for his community. Tony has worked alongside our outgoing state Senator, John McKinney, who has been an excellent representative for Weston over the past 16 years. John has endorsed Tony to be our next state Senator, and I’m proud to do the same.

Tony is a family man who knows the importance of a top-notch education system, and who understands that our children are our greatest asset and that we must ensure they have the skills to succeed. His passionate advocacy and demonstrated accomplishments for the environment is evident by his endorsement by the CT League of Conservation Voters.

We need real leaders in the state senate, the kind who are going to get things done and take bold action to create jobs and fix our economy. We need leaders who understand the importance of our transportation infrastructure to a healthy economy. We need leaders who will fight for educational excellence. We need Tony Hwang. Tony’s not your typical politician. He’s the real deal. And he gets real results. I hope you’ll join me in supporting Tony Hwang to be our next state senator.

Woody Bliss

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