Gov. Malloy Decimates Local CT Education Funding


“A shameful abdication of responsible leadership.”

State Senator Tony Hwang (R-Fairfield) today released the following statement regarding the governor’s revised executive order.

“What we have here today is nothing more than a shameful abdication of responsible leadership,” said Sen. Hwang. “All of the towns in my district and many other fiscally responsible ones are to receive absolutely no funding from the state to educate our children?

“Again, Governor Malloy is looking to make towns pay for his total mismanagement of the finances of Connecticut. This is shameful and irresponsible.

“Today, Governor Malloy released revisions to the Executive Order Resource Allocation Plan, along with new municipal aid distributions associated with the plan. While it holds 30 Alliance Districts harmless, it strives to completely decimate the remainder of the state of Connecticut.

“Not only does the governor’s plan decimate the majority of cities and towns across the state, it is also plainly illegal.  We need to stop picking winners and losers in the budget process.  We need a process that is predictable, sustainable and transparent

“The worst part is that Republicans have provided solutions to our budget crisis and in fact we have offered Connecticut residents a fair and equitable Education Cost Sharing formula.  Now, as a result of the restrictions imposed by the democrat passed union deal, we have stooped, as predicted, to punishing children and our valued educators.  We have also dramatically cut municipal aid – and that will raise our local property taxes.

“As a taxpayer, and as a Connecticut citizen, I am outraged by the lack of responsible leadership in the governor’s office and the lack of proactive leadership from democrat lawmakers.

“Our Republican Senate budget proposals would have preserved education funding to municipalities without raising taxes. Now, we are stuck with a state employee union concessions agreement that has already tied our hands at the expense of our children. I call on my democrat colleagues in the legislature to present the people of Connecticut with a line-by-line budget, so that we can finally work together to move our state forward.”

*Sen. Hwang represents Easton, Fairfield, Newtown, Weston and Westport .

On the web:  He can be reached at and at 800-842-1421.