Hwang on MGM Bridgeport Casino Plans: Diverse Coalition to Continue to Oppose CT Gambling Expansion


State Sen. Tony Hwang, R-Fairfield, issued the following statement after MGM on Sep. 18 announced plans to build a casino in Bridgeport:

“When Gov. Malloy signed the casino expansion bill into law, I noted that a casino somewhere in Fairfield County could one day be our reality.

“I said that Gov. Malloy placed his bet.  He signed a bad bill.

“When he signed it, Gov. Malloy should have said, ‘See you in court,’ because that’s where this issue will be for years and years.

“Economically, it makes little sense to expand casino gambling when the Northeast faces a growing casino glut.  You can’t base a successful, sustainable economy on gambling.

“And what about the human costs?   Casinos spread gambling addiction, debt, bankruptcies, and crime. We cannot ignore the societal costs that gambling has brought to Connecticut: The families that have been torn apart, the lost hopes, and the suicides.

“I will continue to raise awareness about the costs of expanded gambling and speak out for the victims.

“A diverse coalition of religious and grassroots groups has joined me.  The Coalition Against Casino Expansion in Connecticut(www.NoMoreCasinosInCT.org) is comprised of Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Muslim, Methodists and Baptists.

“We have undertaken what many call a ‘David vs. Goliath’ fight, but this is a fight worth having, and we will not give up.”

*Sen. Hwang represents Easton, Fairfield, Newtown, Weston and Westport .  On the web: www.SenatorHwang.com.  He can be reached at Tony.Hwang@cga.ct.gov and at 800-842-1421.

Contact Malloy ASAP!

Our bipartisan no new taxes budget bill is now on Gov. Malloy’s desk!

This plan restores education funding for our schools, restores funding for services for the most vulnerable, and has NO NEW TAXES.

Please do the following on Monday morning:

Call the governor’s office at 860-566-4840.

Tell Malloy to sign this bipartisan bill!

Tell him: “Don’t veto this budget!”

Email him at Governor.Malloy@ct.gov

Copy me on the email at Tony.Hwang@cga.ct.gov

Keep calling and writing!

SHARE this info with Fed Up CT Taxpayers who don’t want Malloy to tax our cell phones and hike taxes by more than a billion dollars Yet Again!