The Honorable Daniel F. Caruso

The Honorable Daniel F. Caruso

Fairfield Sen. Tony Hwang issued the following statement on the passing of Daniel F. Caruso, Fairfield’s longtime probate judge:

“Judge Caruso was a man of deep faith, a devoted public servant and a friend to many.  To me, he was a mentor and a role model.  He dedicated himself to improving the lives of Fairfield residents and the lives of people across Connecticut.  His sudden loss is heartbreaking, and we join together in sending our condolences to his family.  I know Judge Caruso’s legacy will live on as we remember his commitment to community, his kindness, and his tireless efforts to help others.”

(Watch News 8) School threats can bring serious penalties

(News 8)

State Senator Tony Hwang (R-Fairfield) was one of the driving forces behind the new tougher laws.

He explained that while it’s difficult to count or even estimate the cost to cities for extra police protection out front of the schools and extra detectives to handle the investigations, it is equally hard to measure the psychological cost it takes on the school system.

“It has such dramatic and traumatic effect on our kids, on our teachers, and our parents who send their loved ones…With a rash of recent threats, I think we are far too easy in the application of this law,” Sen. Hwang said.

Hey Taxpayers: Say “Not Again” to Gov. Malloy’s Bill #10!

Gov. Malloy has proposed more tax hikes.

Lots and lots of them.


They can be found in his Senate Bill #10.

Malloy is proposing:

  1. A new tax on nonprescription drugs and medicines.
  2. A new CT Tire Tax. $3 per tire.
  3. A new tax on low-income working families and elderly individuals by eliminating the $200 property tax credit
  4. A gas tax hike.
  5. A 25-cent deposit fee on wine and liquor bottles. Fruit, tea, sports, and energy drinks would also be subject to the redemption fee.
  6. A penalty on job creators by maintaining a “temporary” surcharge on the corporation tax that was due to expire June 30.
  7. A hike in the hotel tax.
  8. A hike in the tax on real estate conveyances.
  9. The elimination of the $500 credit on the income tax for recent college graduates who earn a degree in a science, technology, engineering, or math field.

This is all on top of the 2 record-setting, job-killing tax hikes Malloy has already approved as governor.

Higher taxes are NOT the answer.

New taxes are NOT the answer.

A public hearing will be held on Friday to allow fed up taxpayers to speak out against those tax hikes.

  • Send a brief email today to saying “NO” to Senate Bill #10
  • Reference “Senate Bill 10” in the subject line
  • Include your name and town
  • Copy me at
  • Attend the hearing on Friday, March 2 at 12:00 p.m. in Room 2E of the Legislative Office Building.
  • Share this information with fed up taxpayers who will say “Not Again” to Senate Bill #10.

The bill can be read here: