Sen. Hwang: Community-Based Services Represent “Real Solutions”

Hwang 2017-04-18 Maggie Daly Arts Cooperative (1 of 26) (25)

BRIDGEPORT  –  Sen. Tony Hwang (holding sign) on Apr. 18 met with participants in the Maggie Daly Arts Cooperative (MDAC) at The Kennedy Center.  The program provides an innovative environment where individuals with disabilities can learn, create and benefit by participating in a multi-faceted arts program.

Sen. Hwang noted that the quality, community-based services provided by organizations like The Kennedy Center can help to provide “real solutions to Connecticut’s budget crisis.”

Sen. Hwang added that “these organizations provide essential services to our most vulnerable and at-risk populations.  They also stand to provide state government with a substantial fiscal savings.  That represents a potential ‘win-win’ for Connecticut residents.  I have joined with Democrats and Republicans at the State Capitol to emphasize the usage of these community-based services going forward.  It just makes so much sense.”

On the web: and .

Sen. Hwang represents Fairfield, Newtown, Westport, Weston and Easton.  He can be reached at and at 800-842-1421.