CT GOP Senators: Report on Assoc. Health Plans Legislation’s Demise is “highly revealing…disappointing”

Sen. Tony Hwang, ranking member of the Insurance and Real Estate Committee, Sen. Rob Sampson, the former ranking member of the committee, and Sen. Republican Leader Stephen Harding issued the following statement regarding a news report that highlights how taxpayer-funded lobbying organizations engaged in misinformation to derail legislation which would have allowed working and middle-class […]

Sen. Harding Statement on Proposal to Muzzle CT Watchdog Panel

Sen. Republican Leader Stephen Harding issued the following statement regarding a gubernatorial appointee proposing that Connecticut’s contracting watchdog panel not publicly discuss its work — which includes investigations of Executive Branch agencies — without clearing it with him. “The proposal is absurd. Stifling speech is antithetical to good governance and transparency. Connecticut has had several […]