(photo) Sen. Hwang: “Unaffordable” Health Insurance Rate Hikes Will Hurt CT Families

State Senator Tony Hwang gives testimony at a public hearing concerning Anthem's request for a premium increase for healthcare policies. CT Insurance Department Hartford, CT. August 3, 2016.

Sen. Hwang: “Unaffordable” Health Insurance Rate Hikes
Will Hurt CT Families

Sen. Tony Hwang released the following statement regarding the finalized double-digit health insurance rate increases approved this month by the Connecticut Insurance Department (related article: http://www.ctnewsjunkie.com/archives/entry/regulators_approve_more_double_digit_rate_increases/ )

“Despite our efforts, despite our testimony, and despite our outrage, rates are going up by double digits.

“That’s unaffordable. That’s excessive. That’s going to hurt Connecticut families and impact access to health care. And that’s truly a shame.

“I thank the many area residents who sent me their comments opposing the rate hikes. I hand-delivered those comments to state insurance officials in Hartford, but they have decided to hike rates by double-digits.

“Ever wonder just how high your rates have jumped, say, in the last decade? For a great many people, it’s been more than 100 percent. These rate increases are unsustainable, the reasons given for the increases are weak, and even garnering basic information about the public hearing required dedication, persistence and time.

“It is clear that the state’s health insurance rate process is broken. It lacks predictability, sustainability and transparency. Just try to predict and plan your future insurance costs in this state. It’s impossible. There is no rhyme or reason to it.

“I will continue to push for bipartisan reforms which will bring transparency and predictability to this broken system. Connecticut should change the specific definitions of what would disqualify insurers from excessive increases. And when proposed health insurance rate increases exceed 10 percent, state public hearings should be mandatory.

“These decisions are frustrating, but we should look to it as a key reason why the system must be fixed.”

A chart detailing the rate hikes can be found at: http://www.ct.gov/cid/cwp/view.asp?a=4059&Q=585062 .

Sen. Hwang represents Easton, Fairfield, Newtown, Weston and Westport. He can be reached at 800 842-1421. On the web: www.SenatorHwang.com.

Attached photo:

At an Aug. 3 public hearing in Hartford, Sen. Tony Hwang (at podium) testified against proposed double-digit health insurance rate hikes. Sen. Hwang hand-delivered to state regulators the comments of many area residents who opposed the rate hikes. This month, the Connecticut Insurance Department raised rates by double digits. Sen. Hwang said he will continue to pursue bipartisan reforms to this “broken system.” He can be reached at Tony.Hwang@cga.ct.gov or at 800 8

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