Is CT speeding toward a new Mileage Tax ?

I am strongly opposed to a new CT Mileage Tax. Are you?

Please read the following article and contact me at .

I continue to fight for more transparency, more predictability, and better prioritization when it comes to the spending of our precious and scarce tax dollars.

We must be able to have trust in where our Connecticut tax dollars are going.

CT Post

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Friday, July 15: Fairfield Lawmakers Host Legislative Update

Fairfield lawmakers will host a Legislative Update from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, July 15 at the Bigelow Center for Senior Activities to discuss the 2016 Legislative Session.

Sen. Tony Hwang and Reps Brenda Kupchick, Laura Devlin, and Cristin McCarthy Vahey will host the update, which is open to the public.

The Bigelow Center for Senior Activities is located at 100 Mona Terrace in Fairfield.

Those with questions about the event may call 1-800-842-1421.


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