Hearst CT editorial: Aquarion rate hike proposal “stunning”

(Hearst CT editorial)

Thumbs down to looming rate hikes planned by Aquarion Water. 

Even in the wake of challenging gas and supermarket costs, there’s no missing how extreme these increases would be.
Aquarion wants to raise rates by 27 percent over three years, and a stunning 13.9 percent in the first year.
State lawmakers are urging residents to join them in voicing resistance to the plan at virtual public hearings next month.
price increase averaging 9 percent a year should not be allowed to become the norm for any business or utility.
Aquarion counters that the proposal is designed to encourage wiser use of water. That’s always a good idea, but the result is likely that customers will have no choice.

The post Hearst CT editorial: Aquarion rate hike proposal “stunning” appeared first on Connecticut Senate Republicans.

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