Storm Isaias and Power Restoration Leadership:
- Worked with town leaders and impacted residents to investigate utilities response and urgently facilitated power restoration efforts
- Called for public hearing to prevent drastic increases in electricity cost which resulted in Public Utility Regulatory (PURA) & legislative hearings
Supporting All Levels of Education:
- Actively engaged to protect the health and safety of students, teachers and staff in re-opening of K-12 Public School during Covid-19 pandemic
- Consistently protected and maintained Education Funding from state budget deficits, especially during Covid-19
- Initiated vocational and apprenticeship training for alternative career success
Environmental Champion:
- Named multiple past environmental champion by Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV)
- Championed the Long Island Sound Blue Plan legislation for environmental protection and economic sustainability
Advocate for Prevention of Domestic Violence:
- Higher Education advocate against sexual assault on college campuses
- Recognized by Bridgeport’s Family Justice Center & CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence as a state leader in domestic violence awareness and prevention
Healthcare Support in Opioid Addiction & Mental Health:
- Implemented scope of duty definition that allows all first responders with proper training to carry Narcan to save lives against overdose deaths
- Worked in bipartisan collaboration with former Senator Ted Kennedy, Jr toward passage of insurance parity coverage for mental health supportive services