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Sen. Hwang: Malloy Budget Proposal Would Hurt Property Taxpayers; Looks Forward to Fixing Governor’s Proposal

Tony Hwang - State Senate 28th - Sitting - Capitol_Interactive

Sen. Tony Hwang issued the following statement regarding Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s budget address:

“On Feb. 7, I was proud to join with Connecticut Senate and House Republicans’ in proposing a plan to reinstate nearly $20 million in education funding that was cut midyear to cities and towns throughout the state. Our plan keeps our promise to towns, to schools and to Connecticut property taxpayers.

“On Feb. 8, the governor told the state he wants to ‘give taxpayers, communities, and businesses more predictability and more sustainability.’

“Unfortunately, the governor’s budget proposal does not back up that claim.

“It is balanced on the backs of towns and every local property taxpayer in Connecticut.

“Make no mistake: Property taxes will rise significantly across Connecticut if the Gov. Malloy budget becomes law.

“Gov. Malloy also balances the budget on the backs of our children and grandchildren. Future generations of Connecticut resident would be saddled with today’s debt, and that’s not sound policy.

“The good news is that the governor’s speech is just the first step in the process. Our new balance of power in the state senate will allow Democrats and Republicans to now sit down and deal with this budget deficit in a thoughtful, responsible way. I look forward to working closely with my colleagues on both sides of the political aisle to put Connecticut back on a path toward true long-term sustainability and predictability.

“That effort will emphasize our commitment to make our towns’ education mission whole. It will emphasize the need to protect vital services for our most vulnerable residents. It will involve measures to create the business ecosystem needed to retain and grow good Connecticut jobs.

“I urge taxpayers in Easton, Fairfield, Newtown, Weston and Westport to contact me with any questions they may have about the governor’s proposal. I look forward to joining with my fellow lawmakers in crafting a budget which is fair to towns, schools and taxpayers.”

The governor’s budget documents can be viewed at: http://www.ct.gov/opm/cwp/view.asp?a=2958&Q=590066&PM=1

**Sen. Hwang (www.SenatorHwang.com) can be reached at 800 842-1421 and at Tony.Hwang@cga.ct.gov .

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Sen. Hwang: GOP plan is about “keeping our promise to towns, to schools and to property taxpayers.”


Sen. Tony Hwang on Feb. 7 applauded the Connecticut Senate and House Republicans’ plan to reinstate nearly $20 million in education funding that was cut midyear to cities and towns throughout the state.

“This is about keeping our promise to towns, to schools and to Connecticut property taxpayers,” Sen. Hwang said.

The Republican proposal would allow the state to restore Education Cost Sharing funding that was cut by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s administration in December and also close the current budget deficit of $11.9 million as estimated by the Office of Fiscal Analysis. Small cuts spread across several state agencies would pay for the proposal. The plan would also draw funds from a reserve account used to fund state employee raises.

“Local leaders need to be able to plan for the future,” Sen. Hwang said. “The December cuts blindsided towns during the middle of the fiscal year. That was unfair. Our plan restores predictability for towns and emphasizes our commitment to make their education mission whole. We are committed to this fight in the future state budget as well.”
The plan can be viewed at www.ctsenaterepublicans.com .

Sen. Hwang can be reached at 800 842-1421 and at Tony.Hwang@cga.ct.gov

Sen. Hwang (www.SenatorHwang.com) represents Easton, Fairfield, Newtown, Weston and Westport.

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Sen. Hwang, Rep. Kupchick: Residents Can Now Weigh In On Controversial “8-30g” Law

Public Comments Can Now Be Submitted for Feb. 16 Hearing

Housing Committee Co-Chair Sen. Tony Hwang and Ranking Member Rep. Brenda Kupchick today issued the following statement:

“Area residents can now tell state lawmakers what they think of the controversial affordable housing state law known as 8-30g.

“The CT General Statute section 8-30g law:

  • Has been used by developers to bypass local control and zoning regulations and environmental concerns.
  • Has caused controversial housing decisions throughout Connecticut after costly and inflammatory court litigation.
  • Has the potential to forever alter the unique and historical character of neighborhood architecture and communities.
    • “This year, we have an opportunity to:

      • Take a close look at this law and how it can be improved and adapted to meet changing community needs.
      • Receive input from local zoning officials, community leaders and residents from impacted neighborhoods.
      • Come to a solution which provides towns with much-needed control and flexibility while also achieving the goal of increasing our stock of workforce housing.

      “The Connecticut General Assembly’s Housing Committee will hold a public hearing on the 8-30g law on Thursday, Feb. 16 at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.

      “You can email your comments about the law today to the Housing Committee at HSGtestimony@cga.ct.gov . The comment may be as brief as you like.

      “Make your voices heard in Hartford!

      “For more information on the law: www.cga.ct.gov/2017/rpt/pdf/2017-R-0013.pdf . Feel free to call us with questions at 800 842-1421 (Co-Chair Sen. Hwang) and 800 842-1423 (Ranking Member Rep. Kupchick).”

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Tax Relief CT Seniors ?

Should Connecticut get rid of the state’s personal income tax on Social Security benefits?
I think so!
If you agree, here’s how you can join me in speaking out in favor of providing tax relief to seniors across Connecticut.

A hearing will be held this Tuesday on Bill No. 6987: www.cga.ct.gov/2017/TOB/h/2017HB-06987-R00-HB.htm
Those wishing to submit testimony in favor of the bill can do the following:

  1. Email your comment to: AGEtestimony@cga.ct.gov
  2. In the email’s subject line, put “Support Bill 6987” .
  3. Include your name and town.
  4. If you wish, copy me on the email at Tony.Hwang@cga.ct.gov

Those who wish to testify in person may attend the hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 10:00 A.M. in Room 2E of the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.
Please contact me with any questions – thank you!

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(photo) Sen. Hwang, Coalition Vow to Fight CT Casino Expansion

Sen. Hwang, 12-Member Coalition Vow to Fight CT Casino Expansion

Lists 12 Reasons Why Another CT Casino is a Bad Idea

Hwang 2017-01-24 Anti Casino Expansion Coalition Press Conference (6 of 15)

Sen. Tony Hwang on Jan. 24 joined with a newly formed, non-partisan, 12-group alliance to oppose the legalization of off-reservation commercial casino gambling in Connecticut.

The Coalition Against Casino Expansion in Connecticut www.NoMoreCasinosInCT.org held a press conference at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford to announce the group’s intention to educate the public about the economic and social costs of more legalized gambling and to oppose efforts to open a commercial casino in the Hartford area.

The 12-member coalition listed 12 reasons why they oppose casino expansion in Connecticut:

  1. According to a leading national economist, the long-term economic and social costs of introducing a casino into a new area heavily outweigh the benefits.
  2. State-sponsored casino gambling represents a regressive tac on low-income residents.
  3. With the northeast facing a growing casino glut, it is highly questionable whether a new casino could meet revenue and employment goals.
  4. A new casino would not stimulate economic growth and would actually take jobs and revenue from the state’s existing casinos, local restaurants and entertainment industry.
  5. Casinos spread gambling addiction, which leads to debt, bankruptcies, broken families, and crime.
  6. The casino industry’s business model preys upon society’s most vulnerable people.
  7. Casinos weaken local communities by draining their wealth, lowering property values and reducing civic participation.
  8. A Hartford area convenience casino would encourage more people to gamble and encourage current gamblers to gamble more frequently.
  9. If Connecticut’s casino tribes open a Hartford area casino, they can be expected to revive their original proposal to open two casinos in Fairfield County.
  10. A Hartford area casino would open the door to neighborhood slot parlors, Internet gambling and sports betting.
  11. Casino expansion could trigger a provision in the current state-tribal compact under which the tribes would no longer have to pay the state 25 % of their slot machine revenue.
  12. Casino expansion has become an economic dead end for nearby New Jersey.

Coalition members include:

  1. Connecticut Catholic Conference
  2. Connecticut Conference of the United Church of Christ
  3. Episcopal Church in Connecticut
  4. Connecticut League of Women Voters
  5. Family Institute of Connecticut
  6. New England Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
  7. Connecticut Association for Human Services
  8. Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport
  9. Advocacy Unlimited, Inc.
  10. Farmington Valley American Muslim Center
  11. Resident Bishop New England Conference of the United Methodist Church
  12. American Baptist Churches of Connecticut

*Sen. Hwang represents Fairfield, Newtown, Westport, Weston and Easton. He can be reached at 800-842-1421 and at Tony.Hwang@cga.ct.gov. To sign up for his State Capitol e-alerts, visit www.SenatorHwang.com .

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