Tony Hwang – Supports Empowerment Of People

As a mother and daughter writing a letter of support for Tony Hwang, we want to share some of the qualities that impresses us about him.

Tony Hwang supports equality and empowerment of women! First, look at Tony’s family, which we believe is always the best evidence of one’s values and character. Daughter Christina has flowered into a young adult who is capable, independent, bright, thoughtful, fiercely opinionated in a good way and lights up any room she enters. Christina does not share all her Dad’s views and the often-rousing debate at the Hwang house is a testament to that. And while we are at it, we must mention son Peter, also a great kid, intelligent, achieving, focused and a kind and caring friend.  The Hwang children have been buoyed by the support, encouragement, and endless love of their parents.  And then there is Tony’s wife Grace, who in Tony’s eyes holds the pedestal position in the family. Tony could not be prouder of Grace’s accomplishments in all areas of life, personal and professional. He is her most fervent cheerleader.

The indelible mark Tony’s parents made on him with their stories about escaping Communist China to live in Taiwan colors many of his views today. Then his Mom had the strength and fortitude to stay behind in Taiwan and manage the family alone while Tony’s Dad came to the US to seek better opportunities for their future.  Tony will always fight hate which is especially important to us, given the rise of anti-Semitism and racism in our country. Tony cherishes our rights and freedoms and will stand against anything that compromises them.

We do not understand how Tony does it; every time we turn around, he is there.  Think about it, besides being omnipresent in our community, he is also spending many hours each month in Hartford on our behalf, building working relationships, finding common ground across the aisle and trying to change the worrisome downward slope our state is traveling.  We need Tony’s fiscally responsible voice.  Don’t we pay enough taxes already?

We need our State Senator capable of making the difficult decisions wisely.  He understands that thin line between supporting constituents and ensuring the survival of businesses that employ those constituents.

Tony Hwang is a thoughtful leader who is fighting for our best Connecticut.  During the recent devastating Storm Isaias, he was out there personally doing what he could to help our citizens.  Tony listens to our community and he keeps us informed.  Let’s allow him to continue to make us our best, Vote for Tony Hwang on November 3rd.

Rachel and Laurie Gaugler

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